The Burger Blog — Sizzle King
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The Burger Blog

Posts by Harrison Young
Cool Things You Probably Didn't Know About Hamburgers

How would you describe your relationship with the all-American hamburger? If you are a true burger fan, you are going to love some of these cool and fun facts that few people know, about the humble burger. Find Sizzle King frozen premium blended burgers at your local grocery store, and try all our delicious flavors!

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Harrison Young
How Will You Celebrate America's National Hamburger Day?

We may be biased, but no other holiday (for us) beats National Burger Day, which falls in the United States on Memorial Day weekend. A perfect excuse to get your backyard ready for another great summer of entertaining family and friends, and making memories while sharing really delicious burgers. We share some fun ideas and events that celebrate America’s favorite food.

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Harrison Young
Burger Friendly Side-Dishes? Sizzle King's Got You Covered

What to serve with hamburgers? That’s a tasty question, since there are so many possibilities when you create lunch or dinner with Sizzle King premium blended beef burgers or turkey burgers. If you have having the gang over to your house and plan to grill, check out some of our suggestions that pair well with America’s favorite frozen burger.

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Harrison Young
BBQ Themed Party? Sizzle King Style!

When you have to feed a crowd, nothing goes further than Sizzle King burgers in terms of flavor and value. Our 32 oz. bag includes eight x 1/4 pound burger patties. Don’t forget the Turkey Patties for those that want to stick to white meat, hot off the grill. We make entertaining easy (and affordable).

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Harrison Young
Southern Sweet Onion Burger Toppings You Have to Try at Home

When we decided to pay homage to that heritage and to the flavors of sweet onion, we decided to source fresh Vidalia onions for our Sizzle King Sweet Onion burger.  Believe it or not, all onions are not created equal, and we wanted to be extra picky about the quality and flavor of the onion we used for natural flavoring in our Sizzle King Sweet Onion burger.  

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Love Onions? Try These Toppings on Your Home-Grilled Sizzle King Burger

Think about all the delicious ways that wholesome and healthy American beef are paired with onions? We seem to add onions to beef in roasts, in flavorful soups and on meat sandwiches, but nothing elevates the flavors of a great Sizzle King beef patty than onions.  And there are so many delicious ways to try them on your burger!

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